In the Eyes of a Third Grader

Help third graders snap pictures and write about their daily lives as third grade students.



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0 backers

Twitter Shout Out/Follow

Let us know your twitter handle and we will follow you and give you a shout out. If you don't have a Twitter Account we will thank you by your first name.


1 backers

Thank you E-Mail

You will receive a thank you email from the teacher and a digital photo of the students to thank you of your donation.


0 backers

A 4 x 6 picture and written thank you

You will receive a 4 x 6 picture of one of the photos the students took and a written thank you note from a student.


1 backers

5 x 7 and a Written Thank You

You will receive a 5 x 7 picture of one of the photos the students took and a written note from a student.


0 backers

8 x 10 and a Written Thank You

You will receive a 8 x 10 picture of one of the photos the students took and a written note from a student.


0 backers

One Group's Photo Book and a Thank You Note

You will receive one of the group's photo books and a written thank you note from a third grader.


0 backers

Two Group's Photo Books and a Thank You Note

You will receive two of the group's photo books and a written thank you note from a third grader.


0 backers


You will receive all three photo books from third graders and a written thank you note from third graders.


0 backers

All of the packages!

What you will receive: *All three photo books *Three photo prints: 4x6, 5x7, and 8x10 *A Written Thank you Note *An Emailed Thank You Note *And a Twitter Shout Out